spoken like a true socialist mate!". .... how so? do you mean...

  1. 46,485 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642
    spoken like a true socialist mate!". .... how so? do you mean that conservatives think a Gov can be run without revenue?

    talk about magic puddings stayer

    do conservatives think that any Gov can manage without paying employees? are public servants supposed to live on air only? no reward for effort?

    or should Gov be non-existent and the whole nation run according to chaos theory? yes, I guess that would be Abbott's ideal ahahhehe.... a total free for all, the biggest bullies take all the profit and the devil take the hindmost?

    I wouldn't have taken you for an anarchist

    the more industrial capacity a nation has, the greater the need for the service industries. according to the capitalist principle of demand, the more people are paid the greater the demand for goods and so the supply of goods will build.

    the major problem with pure socialism, even more so with communism, is the thought bubble that each person's need is identical with all others and so payment for their effort should be the same regardless of being a CEO or a dunny cleaner, but capitalism means that if the dunny cleaner is paid enough to manage their life on, including of course family and aspirations, the better the economy thrives.

    conservatives don't seem to understand the point of wages as a key driver for a sustainable economy. yes its about getting the balance right.

    NDIS - "they gave away ... 9 billion"? do you know the productivity commission estimates that each dollar spent on NDIS has a 150% yield?
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