Truly bizzare utterances from Fed Labor Ministers

  1. 6,197 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1222
    Tne foot in the mouth Giles made the ridiculous comment that the freed detainees were being monitored by drones. Can anyone from the Labor side explain how a drone can monitor the whereabouts of an individual 24/7/365. Did that mean that manpower was allocated by the government ( 3 shifts per day) per drone to hover a drone over suburban streets or backyards or in shopping complexes or on public transport as the case may be each and every minute of the day? And what if the detainee entered a mall through one doorway but exited from another doorway out the back. How was that covered by the drone operator. Well, now we know, it was a barefaced complete lie. It did not even pass the basic "pub test" yet it seems to have been actually believed by many in the public and by newscasters, until such time as the obvious truth was forced out by people who had a brain . Then we had the backflip that well, no, we did not nean drones, we meant satellite imaging. FFS, God help us, they actually beleive they could hoodwink the public again. Did that mean a satellite has been used on a dedicated basis 24/7 to monitor specific individuals from orbit. Yeh right, and pigs can fly as well. Can you imagine the logistics, satellite time, tryig to monitor the moment to moment movements of individuals oin and out of buildings, malls, buses, trains, etc etc by satellite. Oh wait a minute, when they realized that lie was not going to work they now admit no monitoring has been done and even worse, these detainees have removed their ankle bracelets or they were never fitted in the first place. And to cap it off, the grand finale, Minister Giles now blames his department for wrong information given to him. Commonsense in the first place would have surely registered that drone and satellite monitoring on such a basis was impossible. Nothing really changes.... Labor cannot implement things, whether they are good ideas or bad ideas, they have an appalling track record of implementation
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