Unlike that Yahoo reporter, Dan Bongino self ended his own...

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    Unlike that Yahoo reporter, Dan Bongino self ended his own career.

    He was "released" from the National Rifle Association's media affiliate, NRATV.

    He claimed that a Daily Beast report said that he had been sacked.

    Dan files $15M defamation suit. He got Devin Nunes' lawyer on the case.

    "So Bongino hired Steven Biss, the libel-slander lawyer currently representing Rep. Devin Nunes in his various suits against every media outlet in the country and also a Twitter cow."

    Judge rejects Dan's claim and hits him with SLAPP fees (Strategic lawsuit against public participation) and costs. The Judge also blasted the ineptitude of the filing errors by Biss but allowed the case to proceed.


    Dan retreats to his safe space on Twitter & Facebook.

    Yahoo - an error, not a lie;

    ""Are you going to apologize, Yahoo?" Trump asked. "That's why you’re Yahoo and nobody knows who the hell you are.""

    The Yahoo reporter subsequently found his error & apologised for getting it wrong.

    "Walker later took to Twitter to apologize to the president, saying he had misread a testing chart"


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