Trump 200,178 Deaths, quite an achievement, page-4

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 169
    @Justis - I can see a kind of twisted, racial and ideological thinking behind Trump's attitude or rather his 'gut' reactions, because he is a man who reacts 'from the belly' and most likely thinks and hopes, because once he is no longer president, he will be hauled before a Court for his tax shenanigans - that his primitive instincts are shared by many of his voters - and he is most likely right. He does everything to look for and feed the flames of division and hatred in a deeply divided society.

    Sadly, and in my view: America is a country deeply divided along -

    Wealth lines - too many super-rich who flaunt their life style and lots of poor people, many of them whites;

    Health lines - the rich can afford health care and their excesses (plastic surgery PLUS) are plastered all over the media - most of America's working population cannot access basic health care - a serious illness can send them bankrupt in no time;

    Racial lines - many of the poor are still the formerly imported slaves from Africa who now sport all shades from almost-white to still glossy dark skins - sadly their social environment is also coloured by the dog-eat-dog mentality of an egotistical super-capitalist society

    and now there is also a substantial Latino population who supply most of America's low-paid domestic and 'muscle' jobs

    The very strange chasm between the Democrats and Republicans, whereby the Republicans are totally convinced they are dealing with socialists and communists in the ranks of the Democrat party (when most Democrats are multi-millionaires)

    then there are the strange groupings of their religious people - all voting Trump - all not having arrived even in the 19th century in their thinking - some of which groups believe that America will be facing a civil war and they have found havens in out-of-the-way places, calling themselves 'preppers' in preparation for a coming onslought of 'who knows what' - they don't even know, themselves. They seem to be aware, though, of the sickness and schisms in their society, so they have guns, stack their shacks with food, teach their children 'to defend themselves' and to learn to live off the land; but are essentially a symptom of a kind of paranoia sweeping an entire country.

    - A very important country for themselves and the rest of the world, including us.

    I think we all need to be concerned since we are in their camp and if America succumbs to its internal sickness, there is another great power waiting to step into the breach.

    I hope and pray and continue to believe in that vestige of decency in America, which made it such a great power.

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