as far as the USA goes - it's certainly an interesting time in...

  1. 91,481 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    as far as the USA goes - it's certainly an interesting time in history for war

    they are war weary

    but, Trump is throwing petrol on the hate fires - which will - which must, incite warlike emotions

    one thing in the last days that I found interesting - was that he gave in to pressure of market --

    Several commentators that I've seen said that his withdrawing of the tariff applications for a month - was in part due to the pressure and outcry from business and markets - which, I would tend to agree with.

    And if that is true - then, it's another signal that he'll buckle under pressure - and there's no bigger pressure that can be applied than the military industrial complex (MIC) - which is thoroughly cancerous and spread through the entire American society ------------ it is indeed, IMO - the dreaded 'swamp' that Trump raves about

    Trump and republicans - are no match for the MIC - indeed, a great deal of his republicans would be up to their neck in it -

    so too, many democrats

    there is no question in my mind and never has been - that the MIC will never lose it's appetite for making and selling arms - it is it's whole reason for being

    so, it must have war ------ if the US is war weary - then, it will help war between others ------- and others will pay and if they aren't paying enough -then American citizens will pay and the arms produced will be gifted (assistance) to others - to fire bullets, to send drones, to carry bombs.

    Even if Trumps heart is actually anti war, and I think it might be - Trumps character is overpowered by his cunningness to go with power -

    and the MIC is very very very powerful

    there'll be an enemy somewhere
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