Oh please...a pathological liar by anyone's measure makes for an...

  1. 16,529 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 110
    Oh please...a pathological liar by anyone's measure makes for an absolutely impeachable witness.

    Yet...you say somehow the jury is meant to be asked to believe him now and not before?

    And now they know that the lar was pressured to flip on DT
    How? He was given the choice...play ball or we will decide to turn our attention and...go after your wife and throw her in jail for an eternity
    And that is meant to be taken as ...what??? More proof of his bonafide???

    Anyone you listen to who has a skerrick of cred or rep in the field...from judges to professors...from ex-DAs to prosecutors...all say he is THE worst and most easily impeachable witness in history

    and they all btw...to a man...make it clear that the prosecution has not led any evidence that supports the elements of the crime and have not even elucidated what the crime it is he is meant to have committed.

    Heres one.

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