History is full of examples of groups like this. It seems to me...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 486
    History is full of examples of groups like this. It seems to me that when life is good, food generally plentiful, most of the population is unaffected by war etc some become miserable and pine for excitement, conflict and upheaval. To some extent is seems to be part of human nature. In fact as far as world history goes and the standard of living, times have never been so good for most Americans. No wonder so many are so miserable.

    Look at all the highest grossing films which we all flood in to see. Most of them are about the end of the world, disasters, conflict, alien invasion etc. The best ones contain all of the above. People love it in times of peace.

    Trump just serves up fiction stories where he creates fake aggressors for people to fear and a narrative about how the people he is trying to appeal to are victims. But lets be honest Trump isn't smart enough to do this by himself. He has a tribe of professional manipulators creating the stories behind the scenes. He is just the mouthpiece. Some communities are keen to believe the threat is real. It gives them to feeling that they can whip out the AR15 from under their bed and say to each other things like "sh1te just got real". Just like one here did this morning.

    The real crazy ones can't tell fact from fiction. It goes beyond just being stimulated by the fantasy and escapism of it for these ones. They want it to be real. They want somebody to blame for their shitty lives, their substandard education and their big mac induced supa size me overalls. They want to believe that by attacking some random group that can't defend themselves they will make their lives better. Trump feeds this crap too them. He picks on the poor, the destitute and the desperate and demonizes them knowing that they don't have a voice and can't fight back.

    We shouldn't assume that they don't know better. We need to understand that they just want to lies to be true which is why they spend so much time making them up and spreading them.
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