Trump Criminal Trials, page-6718

  1. 23,953 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 179
    Why doesn't it apply to is how money is lended, the bank does it's due diligence. You have got to get off the Get Trump train...

    Focus. Don't allow your impulsive compulsive disorder get the better of you. I told you, my post had nothing to do with Trump.

    he did nothing wrong.

    That's up to the courts to decide. I think they made a decision, didn't they?
    How does that compare with your evaluation of what Trump did or didn't do? ha ha

    It was just business,

    You know Trump runs casinos that launder people and drug smugglers money?
    The same people and drug smugglers who have lowered their prices so more can afford to come to the border so Trump can whine to gain political support.
    Trump's good friends, hey?

    and the government has no business finding a crime that doesn't exist

    Wow, like those other two, you do live in a deluded world where it's never Trump who commits a crime and has to pay for it.
    News for you, Trump has been found guilty and has to pay for his crimes.

    to stop his presidential campaign....that would liken the US to Venezuela!

    You are really off with the pixies, aren't you?
    Do your pixies look, speak and feel like Trump?
    Trump is so innocent! ha ha
    That pixie dust is magic!

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