LOL ....... You don't serious believe any of that diatribe do...

  1. 3,645 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 549
    LOL ....... You don't serious believe any of that diatribe do you? I understand that you have immersed yourself 24/7 in Trump propaganda sites but at some point your belly must tell your brain that your full and to stop consuming the koolaide !

    Lets start at the beginning. Trump is the first ex-President to face criminal trial because he is the only former president of the US alleged to have committed offenses like this and with overwhelming evidence of it. Nixon got caught being linked to one crime and had the decency to resign in disgrace eventually. He was granted a pardon by his successor President Ford (also a Republican). Trump is facing state based charges for which the current president couldn't pardon him even if he wanted to.

    Trump's behavior is so unprecedented that most simply can't believe it. His offenses started long before he became president. Winning one election isn't a shield which grants you a get our of gaol card for everything you have ever done forever, nor the right to continue offending after leaving office. Yes, he is the first to be brought to trial because his behavior is unprecedented. You might note that he isn't the victim here, he is the perpetrator.

    Trump spent more time sacking senior govt officials and appointing people who would swear loyalty to him than he did running the country. This included judges, the head of the FBI etc. He appeared to do everything in his power to shut down investigations into his crimes whilst he was in office publicly attacking those charged with unholding the law. Special council made it clear that although apparent crimes had occurred, protocol prevented Trump being charged whilst in office. Trump then did everything he could to destroy these people and ensure he never left office. He failed.

    Yes Trump is the first to be charged because quite simply nobody who has ever held office before is known to had behaved anything like he has. Put simply he is being charged with committing serious crimes for one reason, all evidence seems to suggest that he committed those crimes. Simple.

    You claim that by paying the bribe he only committed a bookkeeping error which should be a misdemeanour. So putting his "little mushroom" into Stormy whilst his wife was having his child needed to be hidden from his family and the public prior to the election and this deception is a "bookkeeping error" is it? The instruction to his then lawyer to pay a bribe to hide the facts was a bookkeeping exercise? Asking him to pay it in cash so there was no record of it was to simplify the bookkeeping was it? Classifying the bribe as a legal expense so that its true nature could be concealed from election officials was a bookkeeping error? Claiming the bribe to a prostitute as a tax deduction ..... also a bookkeeping error?

    You are aware that guy that you refer to as a "convicted liar" was in fact Trump's own go to guy who Trump used to fix the many legal messes that Trump often found himself in over many years right? You can't have it both ways saying that he did it but it was just a bookkeeping error and also then claim that he didn't do it and Cohen is a liar. Cohen went to gaol for his part in this. I'm sure he didn't enjoy that and had nothing to gain by admitting to what happened other than a reduced sentance. On the other side of the fence is there anything that Trump has told the truth about ever?

    Gag orders are used whenever either side acts inappropriately and the judge needs to ensure that the case is fought inside the court house. Don't pretend that they are specifically to protect one particular side. You aren't that ignorant really are you?

    Trump constantly seeks to have his supporters intervene on his behalf by trying to fight the battle on the streets and have judges, DAs and even witnesses intimidated. He is to face separate charges for inciting violence and insurrection as part of another unprecedented tanty that he had about being beaten in the last election. If he believed in justice and democracy then he would shut his mouth and focus on defending himself in court, but no, he sleeps in court and spews vitriolic hatred in public.

    You spend so much time spreading defamatory propaganda here about anybody who holds Trump to account. People just doing their jobs. Ironically you appear to do this for the sole purpose of defending a despicable criminal defendant whose public behavior has been inexcusable and his private behavior obviously much worse.

    To make this entire thing more entertaining now we have the orange thug whinging that he isn't allowed to attend his sons graduation from high school, even though the judge has not denied him that. Trump didn't seem to care so much about being there when his son was newborn and he was off in a stormy night. Now when he thinks he can use his son as a propaganda tool suddenly being there for family is important to him. I feel sorry for this kid, silver spoon and all.

    In my life I've seen endless people try to gain advantage by falsely claiming to be the victim but this just takes the cake !

    As for all your other points ..... if you are going to “faking being smart” like Habba, better come up with better than that !

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