So he's never said he wants a blanket ban then, i didn't think...

  1. 21,523 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 258
    So he's never said he wants a blanket ban then, i didn't think so.

    I see you didn't post the part where the article logically acknowledges it wasn't clear what Trump mean't when he said " but we have to ban it " and if you listen to the interview it's quite clear that what he mean't by we have to ban it actually mean't.

    " It's not totally clear what he means by this, but it sounds like he's saying there is a moral obligation to ban abortion, even though women would still seek alternative and often dangerous procedures like they did before Roe v. Wade.) "

    This interview was also back in 2016 so it's old and things have happened since then.

    Since then Scotus has rightly overturned Roe v Wade because it was clearly unconstitutional and now because the Constitution is actually being upheld on this particular issue it's up to the voters of each state to decide what the law will be and Trump embraces that and respects the right of the people in each state to make up their own mind on the matter as it should be under the US constitution.

    The video also shows he clearly not on the extreme end of the Republican party as he said theres parts of the party that think like that, i think the interview also shows had bad the interviewer is, the journalist is aggressive towards trump, interupts him and badgers him and thats a big reason it's not clear what Trump actually mean't when he said we have to ban it.

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