Trump does it again

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    From the very first day he through his hat into the ring all of the "experts" said he had about a 5% chance of winning the GOP nomination let alone win the presidency. It was all over for him when he dared to broach the subject of Mexican illegal immigration, then it was Muslim immigration. Trump was an afterthought and a novelty act. Every time politicians said it was all over for Trump, his popularity surged as everything he did flew in the face of the political class.

    Now, could it be Trump has pulled off the masterstrokes of masterstrokes with his refusal to let the "rigged election" rhetoric die down in the 3rd debate. The "experts" once again claimed that was the final straw. They said he totally ruined what was a strong debate with his non-acceptance of the "rigged system". He didn't let up even though EVERYONE was piling on. The media suddenly started to pay a little more attention to the Democrats underhanded attempts to organise violence at Trump rallies. Then all of a sudden there were research results exposing the media for 93% of stories about Trump being negative stories. While all of this was going on, wikileaks was exposing the media for colluding with Hillary giving her the questions before debates, her reps got to edit stories for the NY Times, which is unheard of and is considered unethical. This is on top of a report that 96% of journos contributed to Hillary's campaign. Trump supporters found this unacceptable and Trump pointed to all of these facts as proof that the fix is in. Then wikileaks exposes the FBI 2IC for his wife receiving campaign contributions from Clinton and her corruptness of pay to play.

    So, with the FBI being exposed and backed into a corner, they are forced to save face by opening up Hillary's investigation and it is CLEAR that the motive is to save the FBI from being perceived as corrupt by sitting on info until the election is over. The FBI's hand was forced as the media, wikileaks and Trump supporters were starting to make noises about the FBI being part of the fix. The FBI could NOT wait until after the election to do any further investigation on Clinton otherwise they would be perceived as being in on the fix.

    Has Trump pulled off a masterstroke? The media have piled on every bit they could possibly pile on Trump and now the Dems are complaining that there are no stories on Trump's tax returns or his $1 billion tax write off. The tide has turned the media are being forced kicking and screaming to report on Hillary's investigation.

    I've said it before, i am amazed the Trump is within 6 points of winning the POTUS with all of what he has said and done (and the media pile on). If he is within 3 points on the day of the election I give him red hot go of taking office. Trump has somehow managed to pull back from the Hollywood access tapes which is a bloody miracle. He obviously knew he was never going to win with the media and he knew the media weren't reporting about Hillary, wikileaks and her never ending rorts. The "rigged" stance at the 3rd debate looks to have inadvertently forced the media's hand to focus on the reasons for Trump's stance. Maybe Trump played the media off a break. He was never going to win with them and get them to focus on Clinton's corruption. Now Trump is being vindicated and could it be a masterstroke on his part?
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