Recognising clearly that The Donald didn't do too well in the...

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    Recognising clearly that The Donald didn't do too well in the 2020 debates, one writer at Red State has put up some debate point suggestions for Trump:

    Abortion: My position on abortion is clear – it is a state issue, and the states should handle it. And if they get it wrong, the voters can replace the state politicians who vote on it. But Crooked Joe is so radical that he wants people to be able to kill babies up to the day before they are born.

    Antisemitism: I would never support Jew haters. My daughter and grandchildren are Jewish. But Crooked Joe supports Democrat Jew haters when they riot on campuses and attack Jews. A Jewish person would be crazy to support him.

    Biased Prosecutions: Crooked Joe is having me prosecuted for “retaining classified information.” But he did the exact same thing, and his Justice Department has admitted that it isn’t prosecuting him because they say he is a senile old man. So, Crooked Joe, are you conducting a phony partisan witch hunt, or are you senile?

    Border & Immigration:Crooked Joe, you have let illegal aliens flood into this country for 12 years now. Your record is clear, and you can’t be trusted to protect our borders.Crooked Joe, can you apologize to Ms. Riley’s family for her death at the hands of an illegal alien who your administration let into this country? And this time, can you get her name right?

    Charlottesville: Crooked Joe keeps talking about Charlotteville, where he lies about what I said. Crooked Joe, while you are busy having the FBI spy on school board parents and MAGA patriots, like they spied on me, did you ever bother to have them spy on those Charlottesville people? Who are they? And if not, why not?

    China: In the 2020 debate, Crooked Joe, you said that you would make China “play by the rules” and stop taking advantage of us. So, why is America losing the tech war with China? Why is America losing the manufacturing war to them? Why did you wait to shoot down that Chinese spy balloon? Why is China still not being punished for what they did to create COVID? How much money did your son Hunter get from China? And why didn’t Hunter pay his taxes on that money?

    Drugs: Crooked Joe, in the 2020 debate, you said the U.S. shouldn’t punish people for “pure drug offenses,” especially dealing with cocaine. Did you say that to protect your son Hunter, who we know brought cocaine to the White House?

    Economy: Crooked Joe, in the 2020 debate, you said that we needed to focus on American families, and to improve their economic conditions. So why are you promoting Bidenomics? Why are you lying about how good the economy is? It isn’t good for American families. You did that. Why are you lying about inflation? You did not inherit high inflation from me. You did that.

    Hunter Biden: Crooked Joe, in the 2020 debate, you denied that your son earned money from foreign enemies like Russia, Ukraine, and China. But we know that you were lying. Why do you think those countries were paying millions to your son who snorts cocaine in the White House? Is it for his legal work, or his knowledge of drugs or strippers? Why didn’t he pay his taxes on this money?

    Impeachment: The Democrats impeached me because they said I used U.S. foreign policy for political purposes. But that phone call was perfect, and I did nothing wrong. Crooked Joe, you stopped supplying ammunition to Israel to win the votes of Democrat Jew haters. You should be impeached. And a Jewish person would be crazy to support you.

    Protecting Democracy: Crooked Joe, were you protecting democracy when you had me prosecuted in phony partisan witch hunts in federal courts and state courts?

    Racism: I am the least racist person in this room. Meanwhile, when Crooked Joe is worried about losing, he claims his Republican opponent is a racist. He even did this to Mitt Romney, who he now pretends is his buddy.Russia: In the 2020 debate, you said that Russia, because it interferes with our elections, will “pay a price.” How have you made them pay a price? Are they winning, or losing, their war with the Ukraine? Didn’t they just replace us in Niger as the superpower, and aren’t they about to get the American base and our arms and equipment? Why did your family accept money from the Russians? And why didn’t Hunter pay his taxes on this money?

    World Chaos: Crooked Joe, how are you going to be able to stand up to Russia, China or Iran when you can’t speak, or walk up steps, and all you do is give them money or cave to them? And your family takes money from them. Why would they be afraid of you?

    ( I would humbly suggest though that the repeated use of the epithet "crooked Joe" is not helpful to the candidate. Otherwise, I think it's a fair range of issues to raise)
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