can someone name any other POTUS in living memory that changed...

  1. 6,226 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 51
    can someone name any other POTUS in living memory that changed the world so profoundly in the few months before they were inaugurated? Just look at big business in the US for a start. They are ditching the WOKE mind virus ( Walmart, Ford just to name 2) DEI and mad climate ( all the major banks are ditching restrictions on business lending. what the WOKE deem to be bad for the climate) mandates. All the worlds major political leaders suddenly finding love for Trump. Iran about to get Trumpy special treatment. All the major countries sending their diplomates to Trump in the largest butt kissing exercise, including our very own KRUDD the dud. It's beautiful and so satisfying to watch. The world has changed for the better already. Get ready Leftards for the next installment. Jet
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