Trump 'has blood on his hands' with poor Cov-19 response, page-33

  1. 2,974 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 263
    Yep in many countries guys who have operated like trump would be in jail for fraud and ripping people off, his record as a bankrupt should have been warning enough let alone the veritable parade of lies and deception he has engaged in since he has been in office and he still has the cheer leaders applauding one staggering debacle after another. His monologue about being number one on facebook today was classic delusion. I am sure many of you are only half serious that you expected trump to do something rational, civil and efficient with regards to responding to the virus other than continue with the clown show he has been from day one.
    It will go down as a modern classic of bungled response.
    He has gone from its all a hoax to get ready for 200 000 deaths in no time and now the old it was obamas fault.
    You elect a clown for a laugh but the buffoonery is wearing thin!
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