When a person such as Donald Trump campaigns for POTUS with the...

  1. 6,113 Posts.
    When a person such as Donald Trump campaigns for POTUS with the understanding he was not in Congress, I believe he should be given some latitude!

    IMO he campaigned to win, he was not going to win on policy because Hillary will beat him there with her knowledge
    and superior talking style! That fact that she ended up sounding like a robot going through the motion, is neither here or there!
    He won on becoming a fighter for the American people against the establishment and "more of the same" from Hillary Clinton.

    Trump's campaign team had to pre-empt Government business behind the scenes.
    Now he is party to some of what happening...And he no doubt will build a different perspective of what he thought he knew, with what he is now learning.
    He has to learn to be a politician that his supporters accept, and run the country at the same time. No small task!

    If anybody on HC thinks that Obama is going to make it easy for him, then think again.
    Obama's crew will probably "setting landmines" for Donald Trump to step on , similar that Labor did against the Coalition.

    Trump appears to be getting on with the job of Governing with the GOP.
    The Democrats on the other hand are in reform mode...and they should be because they have disconnected with the American people!

    Donald Trump will also attempt to get some of the "anti-Trump" media on side.

    So I really do not see the reason for HC politics to turn into a "Kangaroo Court" on every thing he says or does.
    He is not yet POTUS!
    Less watch his first 100 days in office to see how effective his team will be.
    It is my belief, if he selects an effective team, he will succeed!!(I don't feast on bad news)

    But less face it, he will make a couple of mistakes. If they are only minor and he can quickly reverse them, well all the better.

    Finally... FoxNews seems to support his decision on going easy on Clinton at the moment!
    Donald Trump has really put the "cat among the widgeons", and hopefully his team will "recognise the "trees in the forest" as they proceed into office.
    I think no other man has taken on such a big job, since I started to take a interest in politics.
    IMO patience should be our virtue, on watching and commenting on the transition!!
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