On a side note here having read through the unsealed indictment...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 727
    On a side note here having read through the unsealed indictment some thought come to mind that while being speculation is worth a thought IMO

    Interesting that Walt is named as the defendant along with Trump rather than separately and I think that is strategic on the part of Jack Smith

    Before we go further to that from what I know Trump is providing Walt with a attorney, yes Trump does that and if you have not worked it Trump does that so the attorney acts in the interest of the person that is paying him as was the case with Cassidy Hutchinson. Walt may not realise that the Trump paid attorney is not being paid to look after his interest but that of Trump.

    At some point in time Walt will wake up to the fact that he is facing many many years jail time and that his Trump appointed lawyer is not acting in his best interest.

    Will digress a bit here for a bit of analogy here, if this was a drug possession case Trump would be considered the main player and Walt could be the unsuspecting conspirator. In fact that would be Walt's best defence that he was just doing his job and moving boxes as he was instructed by his boss Trump.

    So come Tuesday USA time Trump and Walt front up in court where the charges are read and a plea needs to be entered, we expect that both will plead not guilty. Walts lawyers, paid for by Trump's would instruct him to plead not guilty because if he pleads guilty that would imply Trump is guilty as well.

    Speculation that Walt may already be a co-operating witness ???

    Walt has a half reasonable chance in getting a not guilty verdict from 12 jurors if his defence can show he was only acting on Trumps instruction but his Trump appointed lawyers will avoid that. I suspect if Walt is not already a cooperating witness at some point in the trial he will be made an offer too good to refuse

    From what I see in the unsealed indictment there is just too much evidence and testimony to defend, dare say Trump will get his lawyers to spin and web of lies that will only implicate him more.

    Lets not under estimate the idea and implications of indicting and convicting a former president, it's unprecedented. For that reason DoJ and Jack Smith would not make the decision to indict trump lightly.

    In fact DoJ and Jack Smith have been well aware of how unprecedented it would be to indict a former president and gone far beyond what they would normal. Any one else that had done what Trump has would be in jail by now.

    To that point DoJ and Jack Smith would want to have a rock solid case against Trump, the would only have indicted Trump if they are near 100% sure they can get a conviction.

    For DoJ and Jack Smith not to secure a conviction has major legal and political consequences so I am sure DoJ and Jack Smith are aware of that and making decisions accordingly.

    Well I think we are up to speed and while I don't think much new stuff will come out before Tuesday/Wednesday you never know.

    But for know strap in for Tuesday/Wednesday arraignment because that will be very interesting

    LOL have had a few wine so maybe a few typo's in this tongue.png

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