Trump is finished., page-8

  1. 82,512 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    oh yeah??


    by shutting down government again????????? yeah, people will love that one

    by declaring an emergency and diverting cash to the wall from military??????

    yeah right - like that will be easy eh? - seeing Congress get to appropriate funds

    and, even if he did pull the emergency trick - so what?? - you think that will be a win for Trump and a loss for Schumer and Pelosi????????? think on that one again

    Not only would he have bad press - he would alienate the military, bring a poop storm of legal challenge about the action and have an extremely high chance of being done like a dinner by the courts

    Also - with 2 weeks to go - anything can happen. Plus - he will have had his State of the Union -

    and, most of us on HC could probably write it for him now -- he's as predictable with that stuff as a kid with an ice cream 2 inches from it's mouth

    2019 is probably going to be devastating for Trump - it's started off like that - and, it probably will keep going like that -- IF he survives the full year
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