This year my four year old began kindergarten. A flyer came home...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 416
    This year my four year old began kindergarten. A flyer came home stating that the kindergarten was proud to have been chosen by the Monash City Council to part take in a programme to empower young girls to be whatever they want to be and to "challenge gender stereotypes". I went to the head of the kindergarten to discuss the programme. She showed me that one of the books to be read to my girl was "Boys Can Wear Pink."
    Amongst other things, I told her she was being used as a useful idiot by the powers that be above her to brainwash my child. She said she'd get one of her superiors to speak to me of how innocuous the programme is...but she never did.
    Look, I could write for the next three hours as to why even someone as reprehensible as Trump is right and necessary in the wake of woke, but instead I'm going to suggest listening to James Lindsay's podcast especially around the topic of the "queering" of children. Then look into his commentary on the likes of George Soros (funding the queer agenda and profiting by shorting) and the behaviour of the pension funds like Black Rock (enforcing dei and gse) and the stated agenda of the United Nations (pushing its vision of a new world order like a cult) and the ultimate aim of Cultural Marxists (a grab for ultimate power and control).
    Then apply the market theory of shorting. Those who bet on the collapse of Western society and the Western economy stand to make trillions of dollars and hold power and control forever.
    And it begins with the brainwashing of our children.
    Don't think it can happen?
    if left unopposed woke is going to make the Maoist Cultural revolution look like child's play.
    I dislike Trump, but unlikely heroes and saviours come in all shapes and sizes.
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