Trump making a move., page-9

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    I wonder If THE KRAKEN released by Trump devised that looney indictment.

    The madness, the desperation in Trumps final days. There was a screaming
    match in the oval office. Trump was there and it was four against four. Clearly the end was nigh lol
    Below some juicy bits from article on the shouting match. There is so much more in the full article
    on the link below which makes riveting reading. These are just bits and pieces.

    "The hours to come would pit the insurgent conspiracists against a handful of White House lawyers and advisers determined to keep the president from gng in to temptation to invoke emergency national security powers, seize voting machines and disable the primary levers of American democracy.Herschmann took a seat in a yellow chair close to the doorway. Powell, Flynn, Newman and Byrne sat in a row before the Resolute Desk, facing the president."

    "outsiders had been coming out of the woodwork to feed the president wild allegations of voter fraud based on highly dubious sources. Trump was no longer focused on any semblance of a governing agenda, instead spending his days taking phone calls and meetings from anyone armed with conspiracy theories about the election".

    For the White House staff, it was an unending sea of garbage churned up by the bottom feeders.

    "For the White House staff, it was an unending sea of garbage churned up by the bottom feeders."

    "By now, people were yelling and cursing.The room was starting to fill up".

    "continued to probe Powell's pitch with questions about the underlying evidence. "All you do is promise, but never deliver," he said to her sharply.Flynn was ranting, seemingly infuriated about anyone challenging Powell, who had represented him in his recent legal battles.Finally Herschmann had enough. "Why the f* do you keep standing up and screaming at me?" he shot back at Flynn. "If you want to come over here, come over here. If not, sit your ass down." Flynn sat back down."

    "They've already abandoned you," he told the president aggressively. Periodically during the meeting Flynn or Byrne challenged Trump's top staff — portraying them as disloyal: So do you think the president won or not?At one point, with Flynn shouting, Byrne raised his hand to talk. He stood up and turned around to face Herschmann. "You're a quitter,"

    " "You've brought 60 cases. And you've lost every case you’ve had!"Trump came back into the Oval Office from the dining room to rejoin the meeting. Lyons pointed out to Powell that their incompetence went beyond their lawsuits being thrown out for standing. "You somehow managed to misspell the word 'District' three different ways in your suits," he said pointedly.In a Georgia case, the Powell team had misidentified the court on the first page of their filing as "THE UNITED STATES DISTRICCT COURT, NORTHERN DISTRCOICT OF GEORGIA." And they had identified the Michigan court as the "EASTERN DISTRCT OF MICHIGAN."These were sloppy spelling errors. But given that these lawsuits aimed to overturn a presidential election, the court nomenclature should have been pristine."

    "Every judge is corrupt, she claimed. We can't rely on them. The White House lawyers couldn't believe what they were hearing. "That's your argument?" a stunned Herschmann said. "Even the judges we appointed? Are you out of your f*ing mind?" END


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