"more vaccinated people dying than unvaccinated" Sharps, I find...

  1. 5,912 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 151
    "more vaccinated people dying than unvaccinated" Sharps, I find that an interesting claim. You seem to think once you have the vaccine, thats it, then just get more of the vaccine if you need it. Well flu viruses never stay the same. We know that from many years of changing flu vaccines to fight changing flu viruses. I don't have any problems with glowing reports on how the vaccines have saved thousands. Great work, maybe. I have trouble believing the Hunan vaccine will continue to work against the emerging viruses. Bad enough that vaccinated people can still catch and spread the virus. The biggest problem is people telling so many lies, stats being hidden, Half of the docs saying one thing and the rest saying the other. For instance there is a variation in South America which is totally resistant to the vaccine. Give them a booster shot? Yea right. How long will it take to reach us. I am trying to spot trends on what the virus is doing now, not 9 months ago.
    What is a good property is the MOA if Ivermectin, en vitro, is such it does not look like the virus will be able to mutate to avoid the Ivermectin action.
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