Trump May Well Be President!, page-32

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 52
    "Hair Fuhrer"

    Nice one NL, it took a few seconds to realise that your spelling or spellcheck couldn't be so bad that Herr became Hair and that you'd meant to reference The Don's distinctive mane.
    But then I wondered if it was your own construction, or a plaguerism, or common media usage.
    So I goggled Hair Fuhrer
    Hair Fuhrer? Trump pledge compared to ‘disgusting’ Hitler salute
    Published time: 8 Mar, 2016 00:29

    "A right-hand pledge of allegiance to Donald Trump is “disgusting” and a “fascist” gesture, reminiscent of Nazi rallies, the former head of the Anti-Defamation League has said.

    On Monday Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump again raised his right arm to ask supporters to pledge their support to him ‒ an act which many have likened to Adolf Hitler’s infamous ‘sieg heil’."

    Abraham Foxman, who escaped Nazi Germany in the 1940s, thinks the action by Trump is an intentional “fascist gesture.”
    “He is smart enough… to know the images that this evokes. Instead of asking his audience to pledge allegiance to the United States of America… he’s asking them to swear allegiance to him,”
    Foxman told the Times of Israel.
    The former National Director of the ADL – a group set up to fight anti-Semitism and “defamation of the Jewish people” – said footage of the pledge is as “disgusting as anything I thought I would ever witness in the United States of America.”
    Social media went into overdrive last Saturday, when at a Republican rally in Florida Trump urged the crowd to hold their right hand aloft and repeat after him.
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