"Maybe he's half alien but his other half is Babylonian...

  1. 35,963 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 206
    "Maybe he's half alien but his other half is Babylonian Satanic"

    Yes it makes sense.

    Just on the origins of the "Real Power" behind the Death Cult. It would appear that there is a Genetic and Linguistic link that identifies these People or Entities.

    Speaking the Etruscan Language seems to be one link and having connections with the Phrygian Kingdom among others "that we have already mentioned"................. the Zoroastrian Religion seems to also have a link to this Power Structure.

    Then there are the skill sets of the Phoenicians which seem to have been utilised to a far greater extent than History lets us think.

    Installing Power Structures that are foreign to the local indigenous populations seems to be a constant and there always seems to be an arms length to the Real Power that exists behind the Visual Power Structure that the Plebs see.

    Anyway it's a long and convoluted story and the above is but a small part.


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