And you base Ur level of intelligence on age Raider ?OK what...

  1. 81 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    And you base Ur level of intelligence on age Raider ?

    OK what about

    Albert Eistein

    Steven hawking

    James Clerk Maxwell

    Isaac Newton

    Leonard Da Vnci

    Issac Asimov

    Alexander Solzenitsen

    Etc Etc Etc

    We ALL start young Raider in case U hadn't noticed. Im wondering if U were born Ur age straight out of Ur mothers womb ?

    Sorry that was uncalled for and I apologise for that, BUT it does illustrate the illogical nature of Ur thought processes.

    The fact of the matter is that yes Biden is older than Trump by what a scant 3 YEARS OF AGE ???

    The brain is as powerful as U let it be Raider and Biden has it all over Trump

    The reasons r all out there for all to see.

    Biden trips going up STEEP presidential jumbo stairs. Trump does the most ridiculous rotating squirrel jig in front of thousands of his rally supporters. Im wondering just how many of the m squirm when he does this, I know I do. However I have empathy for Biden when he trips up this jumbo stairs becos Ive done that on ANY stairs by touching the tip of my shoe on the next rung up. Have U not done this Raider in Ur lifetime. I even see children do it. Yes its embarrassing but like the children Biden just gets up rubs the dust of his pants and continues the walk up to aircraft ones door. No heart attack, no cardiac issue, no broken bones. Do U think he's geriatric Raider ?

    He's the POTUS he's extremely intelligent and he is the POTUS becos he can do the job.

    Does he derisive the presidency ?

    Well he's certainly doing a better job than Trump ever did and if U can't see that you r definitely in denial.

    Im imagining I won't get a response to this like my other st on Trump.

    That's alright becos Im sound in the knowledge Trump won't win the next election. the FBI has seen to that with the charges and eventual gaoling of the Trump Fundametalists. Dont thiunk they r fundamentalists Raider? Well U need to get your head out of where the sun don't shine

    Again apologies Raider but its entirely appropriate.

    Good luck to U and another Trump win. It wont happen.


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