Trump on track for sizable win, page-1182

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    ''Define "far right".''

    you're on a political forum and you need 'far right to be 'defined'

    really? are you a child? ----------------- here, take some reading, follow the links and get an education

    Far-right political parties in are characterized by their extreme nationalist ideologies, authoritarian tendencies, and often xenophobic or reactionary views. These parties typically advocate for a strong state that prioritizes the interests of a dominant ethnic or cultural group, often at the expense of minorities or immigrants.
    ### Definition and Characteristics
    1. **Extreme Nationalism**: Far-right parties promote an intense form of nationalism that emphasizes the superiority of the native population and often includes nativist ideologies. This can manifest in anti-immigration policies and a rejection of multiculturalism[2][5].
    2. **Authoritarianism**: Many far-right parties favor authoritarian governance, which may involve undermining democratic institutions and norms. They often reject liberal democratic principles in favor of a more centralized and controlled form of governance[4].
    3. **Xenophobia and Racism**: These parties frequently espouse xenophobic and racist beliefs, portraying immigrants and minority groups as threats to national identity and security. This rhetoric can lead to policies aimed at marginalizing these groups[2][5].
    4. **Populism**: Far-right parties often adopt populist strategies, framing themselves as champions of the "common people" against a corrupt elite. This can involve simplistic dichotomies of "us" versus "them," where the party positions itself as the legitimate voice of the nation[2][3].
    5. **Historical Context**: The far-right has roots in historical movements such as fascism and Nazism, and contemporary far-right parties may draw on these ideologies while adapting their rhetoric to modern political landscapes. They may also engage in revisionist narratives about national history to bolster their appeal[4].
    ### Examples in France and Italy
    - **France**: The National Rally (formerly National Front), led by Marine Le Pen, exemplifies a far-right party that has gained significant electoral support by capitalizing on fears related to immigration and national identity while attempting to rebrand itself to appeal to a broader electorate[2][5].
    - **Italy**: The League (Lega), under Matteo Salvini, has similarly positioned itself as a defender of Italian identity against perceived threats from immigration and the European Union, advocating for strict immigration controls and nationalist policies[5].
    In summary, far-right parties in these countries are united by their commitment to extreme nationalism, authoritarian governance, and a rejection of multiculturalism, often using populist rhetoric to mobilize support among disaffected voters.

    [6] far right
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