You stand by your remarks regarding grooming his daughterIt's a...

  1. 25,554 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 179
    You stand by your remarks regarding grooming his daughter

    It's a representation of his pedophile accusations that you give a hand in putting into her nappy and smearing all over the page while all the while praising Trump for the very comments you are being outraged by.

    but your comments were dreadful and you'd be better served (hopefully apologising and)moving on

    But it's ok for you to have a hand in putting into her nappy and smearing all over the page while all the while praising Trump for the very comments you are being outraged by.

    You can continue as you reveal you won't be letting up on your core to your being deception that accumulates extensive amounts of hypocrisy.

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