Looks like pressure is building for a full scale investigation...

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    Looks like pressure is building for a full scale investigation into the
    Russian scandal. The Republicans are ramping up the pressure
    on the Trump administration. Even George W Bush is now asking questions.

    "FORMER President George W. Bush says “we all need answers” on the extent of contact between President Donald Trump’s team and the Russian government.

    In an interview on NBC’s Today show on Monday, Mr Bush said he would trust Senate Intelligence panel Chairman Richard Burr to decide if a special prosecutor is necessary.
    But Mr Bush said: “I think we all need answers ... I’m not sure the right avenue to take. I am sure, though, that that question needs to be answered.”
    Asked if he supported Mr Trump’s controversial executive order on immigration, Mr Bush said: “I am for an immigration policy that is welcoming and upholds the law.”

    The former Republican leader also defended the media’s role in keeping leaders in check, saying a free press was “indispensable to democracy.”
    “We needed the media to hold people like me to account,” Mr Bush said. “Power can be very addictive and it can be corrosive, and it’s important for the media to call to account people who abuse their power.”
    He added: “It’s kind of hard to tell others to have an independent, free press when we’re not willing to have one ourselves.”

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