Flatie, A couple of this come to mind regards your post. "His...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1065

    A couple of this come to mind regards your post.

    "His reference to electric boats was if the batteries in said boat catches fire you have the decision of staying on the burning boat of diving into the water with the sharks"

    Do you have a link to this new fire theory? Typically Mr Trump runs with the, the boats are so heavy because of the batteries, because you know, batteries are heavy.


    "zOnce again, the Hannibal Lecter remark was about all of the great countries letttig their insane out of their criminal asylums to come across the southern border"

    Mr Trump refers to Hannibal Lecter as “the late, great Hannibal Lecter”. So either he thinks Hannibal Lecter was real person or he's a fan of completely fictional lunatic.

    "As for the fence, how many times did they stop the funding on so many levels."

    Annnnnnd, it's been posted here many many times, have you forgotten Mr Trump ran on building the wall?

    In 2016-2018 he had both the House and the Senate and the Executive Power to build the wall, when he couldn't get it done and lost the house in the 2018 mid terms he used his Executive Power to raid defence funds to continue his wall program. He then went on to boast that he built the wall, 100% completed, with extra wall built.
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