So still no debunking. It should be easy buddy. Like really...

  1. 1,372 Posts.
    So still no debunking. It should be easy buddy. Like really easy. Its the stupidest conspiracy theory ever that has been debunked over and over again. This is a forum full of all kinds of smart people who can't tell me why this is not true. Including you. You can't find 1 link to anything debunking it? Or have you not bothered to look. If you haven't bothered to look how the f can you be so dismissive? Its only defenceless children we're trying to help. If it isn't a woman, gay, transgender, a muslim, or any other minoity the MSM crew can't compute and couldn't care less. Without debunking this or even linking to anyone who has i'm surprised and shocked you can be so cavalier. #littlelivesmatter
    And that is the only hashtag that matters. That the one that unites us. This has nothing to do with left/right, liberal/conservative, Hillary/Trump. Those are all divisive and this is unifying.

    When the truth is finally admitted by whoever it is you deem to be credible (CNN, Fox, whoever) I hope you feel sufficiently shitty for the side you choose in this fight. Although like most people you will probably jump on the bandwagon at some point and pretend you were fighting the good fight all along.
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