Trump the 'LAW & ORDER' President

  1. 1,190 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 48
    TRUMP is running on Law and Order!!!
    Looks like he's had enough and is going to get tough with BLM/Antifa 'peaceful' protestors.

    If he is able to shift the political narrative to law and order then he is a shoe in to win the Presidency in November.

    Here is a fairly unbiased (surprisingly) CNN take on the move...

    IMO...Trump is doing the right thing and probably should've done so a lot earlier. Perhaps he just waited because Democrats no longer have the moral high ground after they have empowered and abetted BLM/Antifa violent highjacking of these protests. Democrats could now lose some of these blue states (and governorships) because of their NON-Action in moving protestors on.

    Again, looks like the Left have kicked an own goal and drivel Middle America into the arms of Trump.
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