Trump the saviour of western civilization, page-28

  1. 3,323 Posts.

    True..but it is only a small window of relief or delayed time..he has already aligned himself behind the scenes with NESARA or the now renamed GESARA movement who serves a far worse agenda then what you know or can's just beyond evil


    It's their stupid 'New Age Aquarius' program run by the so called 'Ascended Masters' illuminati whom run this world behind the scenes and have been for eons aka 'Fallen Angels' from the heavenly war or first rebellion along with their boss Lucifer or first-born Hallayel before his fall.

    Would you even believe Lucifer himself whom can manifest into human form, soul scalp, shapeshift etc has a luxury office at the NY GOLD-man Sachs Tower..wonder why?

    Gold and Silver will be thrown into the streets one day worthless it is prophesied and it will happen Ezekiel 7:19

    Basically 'they' want all Americans RFID chip implanted within a year (current plan) latest two and most likely including those who are reading this as doesn't get better trust me and it has already wait for the so called 'announcement' or what 'they' are calling 'The Event"

    For all you lovers of money out there this is your new buy and sell so called usuary form of medium/exchange..awesome isn't it!

    In dark reality it is their final system of global mass mind, body, and soul control..better known as DAMNATION see REV 13:18 aka the long prophesied mark of the beast, I'm pretty sure they will go with this implant option, they have a few to choose from..the 'two beasts' yet to arise are Sananda and Maitreya whom will descend upon this world scene (most likely in the mist of chaos and destruction-WW3 jmo) and then deceive it and those deceptions are going to be just beyond miraculous..don't be fooled
    maybe think of Dynamo the magician.

    Cash money and control of the Internet are next inline then it's allout war for your soul.

    Their timeline schedule runs into Sept of 2017 latest 2018 for complete implantation of the global masses..not taking into account the grand deceptions then insanity to come. Most importantly 'humans' never ever receive this implant or anything like it..If you do you'll eventually become 'hive minded' and wired into to the 'global beast network system' of Puvewah under their control, just lobotomized into a zombie basically so technically consider yourself already dead.

    Welcome to your real so called New World Order to get to your Millennial Reign of Peace..please don't be fooled by Mr Trump and whom or what agenda he really serves and bows too for it's about to manifest into reality.

    It's all about 'Power & Control' to just one insane evil psychopathic demigod still trying to make itself Godlike and take down with him as many as possible..the final harvest

    The eternal bliss of heaven with Yahushuah and The Most High God Yahuah would be a much better choice, their is no other and it is freely some point in time you'll be forced to make a choice whose side your on and no fence sitting will be accepted.

    u think I'm crazy..we'll see
    In Yahushuahs be it

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