Trump To Pardon Julian Assange?, page-23

  1. 10,846 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 27
    ""His only "crime" has been to reveal war crimes and government lies."
    You forgot to add "of the West"
    In Russia and China I guess they're not considered crimes, just normal business!""

    Even if it were true that he only revealed war crimes and government lies of "The West" it is still extremely valuable and should be released.
    If wikileaks received evidence of war crimes from any whistleblower about any country I'm sure they would release them.

    And apart from all that, the American NSA and CIA and Pentagon, which spy on every individual on the planet and have funding greater than the entire military budgets of Russia and China combined, can be depended upon to reveal all the crimes of all the "enemies" of "the West".
    And if they can't find any crimes they can just make them up and have them faithfully recycled by there media outlets NYT and WAPO, both CIA propaganda outlets which assisted in the vicious witch hunt against Assange.
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