Trump Totally Outfoxed By Kim, page-100

  1. 1,268 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 22
    Why do you waste your time replying to all these posts.
    His cheer squad would be convinced the sky is red, the ocean green, the sun black and the Aussie flag white if Trump said so. They would find a way to justify all of it if they had to.
    He can do no wrong.
    He has never lied. He never does, and when they know he does well he doesn’t or they justify it.
    He has never jumped the gun once in his life, like announcing big beautiful deals before they collapse.
    He has never lost a negotiation in his life, even when his bankers put him on an allowance in the 90’s or when his businesses went bust...or when he lost many of his frivolous law suits.
    His instincts are never wrong, ever, even when his entourage is filled with shoddy figures. That’s what he does, he knows straight away within a few seconds...that he will fall in love with a strong man or that he picked the right staff....but when they get indicted that’s not his fault of course.

    His train of thought always makes sense, if he changes his mind 4 times in one hour it’s a calculated strategy not the typical behaviour of a weathervane or a narcissist who can’t stand when people prove him wrong.
    If he makes things up daily it’s not because he is a compulsive liar, it’s another genius strategy.....lies aren’t really lies for the Trumpsters if it fits their own narrative. I mean Clinton gave Korea billions....when the real figure for the program was $250m most of it in oil. Canada has a gigantic trade surplus with the US, don’t bother fact checking he said it so it’s true.
    If he tells the world that N.Korea is about to change its ways then it also must be true, it’s not like they’ve never made bigger committments in the on about 10 different occasions. It’s not like they froze their program only to restart it once they extracted enough concessions. Oh but wait, they didn’t deal with Trump then...they only dealt with 6 countries.

    If he tells us that the US is a piggy bank being robbed by friends who have fought in all your wars it must be true, it just can’t be that he doesn’t even understand the Wikipedia page explaining the in’s and outs of trade. The world is against the US and the EU is robbing them, when their average tariffs of 3% on US goods is the same as the ones applied by the US on European goods.

    And the list goes on and on. He can do no wrong, he just saved the world from a nuclear war that was imminent, one that was about to be brought upon us by Obama, Hilary and the world elites but not by Trump’s own rhetoric. South Korea and Japan were on board with his announcement about the end of military exercises they say...when they had no idea and are scrambling to assess the ramifications.

    They will call you a snowflake, a leftist or a commie, even tough you have voted centre right all your life and despise most of what a bloke like Shorten stands for. They are gloating right now because they feel like they are ‘winning’, who cares if their man is unfit for office, is enriching himself while in power (can they even admit that or do they have enough imagination to justify it). He tells it like it is, that’s enough for them. It makes them feel good about the world right now, they can’t see any further than 2m in front of them, actually they can’t think past his next Tweet. Who was the real winner in Singapore? Hint, that country wasn’t there although pretty sure Kim flew there in one or their aircraft....the same country where ZTE is from, you know give them a $1b fine for their sins, only about twice as big as the one we levied on CBA.

    They claim they love freedom but they don’t care if democracy is on the nose; their man is in the White House destroying the very fabric that underpins the greatest democracy the world has ever seen. They will tell you it’s sour grapes when you point out that he is more comfortable around Putin, Xi, Duterte and his new buddy Kim. Who cares if Vlad has Australian blood on his hands or Xi wants to turn us into a vassal state. The countries that have stood side by side with the US are now the enemies who have a special place in hell, wait until it’s our turn, it will be Malcolm’s fault not Donald’s.
    We have never had anything like him in the past right, a man capable of solving all least that’s what they think because they tend to not pay attention to the lessons of history.

    I do have one caveat, we need him to be right on North Korea. So I hope he succeeds.
    Last edited by bz847: 13/06/18
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