Australian Trumpers generally don't realise what they are...

  1. 171 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 43
    Australian Trumpers generally don't realise what they are aligning with. I'm surrounded by Trumpers from all parts of US.
    Australian Trump supporters:
    Below is what real Trump supporters are all about.

    It's OK to support policy to aid our Farmers, Small Business, restrict foreign ownership, have discussion about the roles of the levels of support for social welfare vs reducing taxation for those "having a go", having strong borders to protect our citizens interests as priority, etc... they are discussion we have constantly, and democratically just accept what the majority of Ausiies decide via the polling.
    These are conservative political views, and reasonably argued.

    THIS IS NOT TRUMPISM, TRUMPISM is something very different to conservative politics. And it ISN'T about a fair go.

    Trump is NOT about getting rid of corruption and the little man , he is man with numerous documented corrupt actions himself. He is about the battle between the BIGs, changing one Deep State for another worse one, nothing to do with working America, if you cannot see that after his tax decisions, ministerial changes, etc... then you are simply blinding yourself.

    Aligning your self with Trump means aligning yourself with people like the above, spewing forth hatred and conspiracies at every turn: NOT some sort of "people's revolution".
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