Trump Tracker." Trump wants ‘packed churches’ & economy open again on Easter despite coronavirus", page-106

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    President Trump initially downplayed Covid-19, saying everything was “under control.”

    On Tuesday, he held a news conference at which the American people were informed that 100,000 people, if not more than double that, may die from the virus.

    The president has previously stated that anyone who wanted a Covid-19 test could get one. As everyone now knows, many people all over the country who need to be tested are not, as the tests are unavailable.

    The president repeatedly says there are no problems with health care providers having proper equipment, yet we hear daily from those on the front lines caring for the sick and dying that they are severely lacking these critical supplies.

    As Covid-19 spread throughout the country, the American people were told that face masks were not necessary. Now they are advised that perhaps this is a good idea.

    While vast swaths of the country are under stay-at-home directives, many others are not.

    Any wonder that, in addition to being ineffably horrified at this scourge, the American people are bewildered and demoralized over the utter lack of cleareyed leadership from the president — particularly as clarity and resolve are what they want most from the commander in chief, now more than ever.
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