Trump voters must be crying tears of betrayal

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3

    Trump has fooled the poor and less educated in just about every respect
    now. Wants Robots to take peoples jobs. Wants to halve the minimum wage
    to peanuts and now after convincing the poor saps that Clinton was a
    Goldman Sachs puppet, GUESS WHAT, Trump has reportedly appointed
    the Goldman Sachs President to head the National Economic Council.

    Trump was going to drain the swamp he told the adoring suckers but
    instead he is topping it up and its flowing over.

    Even this forums Trump acolytes must be hurting and full of shame for
    supporting this devious liar. They posted like crazy about the evil links to
    Goldman Sachs by the Clintons and now their hero is apparently in bed
    with them. Oh my!

    The poor old rust belt voter waiting at the gate for Trumps promised good
    times has head bowed, shoulders hunched and hobbles back inside realising
    he has been duped by a slick pedlar of deceit who has swindled his way into
    the White House with millions less votes than his opponent.

    "Donald Trump has reportedly chosen Goldman Sachs president Gary Cohn as his pick for director of the National Economic Council.
    While the President-elect has promised to “drain the swamp” of bureaucracy and lobbying powers in Washington DC, Americans may question Mr Trump’s choice of the leader of one of the largest banks in the US to lead a government agency. Mr Trump repeatedly criticised Wall Street banks during the presidential campaign, and called for Hillary Clinton to release the transcripts of her paid speeches at Goldman.

    Mr Cohn also has a history of giving money to both Republican and Democratic campaigns.”
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