obviously you would have no problems with bully boy...

  1. 29,607 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    a good bit of verbal diarrhea.. did you get something off your chest???.. but you did not really answer the question that watso posed !!

    and what business was it of bully boy america, headed by bully boy trump, to interfere in commercial agreements between russia and the european countries (particularly germany) who wanted russian gas via nordstream2..

    if your grand daughter left her kids and husband - and ran off with a sleazebag like trump - you may, or may not, approve - but it is still none of your business - either way
    obviously you would have no problems with bully boy trump/america banning the export of australian iron ore to china .. after all, china would be converting good australian iron ore into bullets/tanks/rockets ...

    mmmm and what about good australian uranium .. exported to america's enemies .. ie russia and china !!!!!... mmm last time watso looked, uranium is used to make nuclear bombs etc etc ..

    mmmm just imagine ICBM's (made with good quality australian iron ore) carrying nuclear warheads (made with good quality australian uranium ) and raining down on american cities ..

    anyway, your argument is only from the point of view of supporting a bully - and bullies seem to like to do things their way .. hopefully you do not mind that yourself and family are bullied - because a bully always has a good excuse ..... who knows - maybe you are a bully yourself

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