Trump will walk, page-65

  1. 605 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 30
    Let me waste my time and try and simplify it for you.

    FIRST. NK made ZERO approaches to SK prior to Trump talking to CHINA . nada, nil, zip, sfa.
    And then out of the blue, after decades of silence or at the very least limited dialogue out comes the olive branch, and it's off to the Olympics we go.
    I'll bet my gonads (all 3 of 'em) that the Commies told Kim, ''Trumps told us to tell you the party is over, or you're gonna get it. BIG TIME. And if we get in the way, we'll get it too.
    So now the ''Saving of Face'' (which is big in the Orient) commenced, and the change of rhetoric and intent followed.
    I don't know if YOU'VE noticed China has gone pretty quiet on the subject. I've noticed. Any conflict will come from the air, and NOBODY on the face of this earth can match the Septics. Fire and Fury, you betta believe it. Dons ''Button'' is way, way bigger.

    SECOND. It is not just a coincidence that what HAS NOT occurred in nearly 70 YEARS should just so happen to eventuate on The Don's watch. He knows how to deal from a position of Power. He learnt that from Salerno and Castellano when THEY built his New York City Empire, whether he liked it or not. It will be '' his way or the Highway.

    THIRD. The Don has nothing to lose, least of all the next election. He probably cares not a tinkers cuss about SK, Japan and knows full well (as would the Chinese) that Kimmy's little pissant rocket program has not the capability to reach mainland USA. Have many ''Leaders Of The Free World'' have died from any conflicts? You mentioned ''not in their backyard''? Dur, the Yanks DON'T fight in their ''backyard'' and when someone stupidly does just that...well you only have to look at Pearl Harbour and look at 9/11 as examples. They get a tad upset. And stupid Kim threatens them with such nonsense? What a dickhead move.

    FOURTH. ''Kim has set this up well''? Rubbish. Someone, someone with balls has called his bluff. All Kim would be thinking about now is, ''How the hell can I stay alive, and where can I live in exile''?
    He is not dealing from any position of power, let alone from a geographical advantage. He has nowhere to go, no friends. He'll get offered an ''out'' and take it, or perish, just like all the others who mixed up their ambitions with their capabilities. UNLESS he accepts a deal from THE Dealmaker.

    FIFTH. We're due for a War. The economics say so. And the Yanks are ready to oblige, they need to turn over some inventory, and they're keen to try out the MOAB. And they won't stand for any crap. There well may be no ''winners'' from a conflict, but rest assured there will only be one loser. Apart from all you snowflakes and your incorrect unfounded assumptions, predictions, and inability to read the play from the first day that you stupidly backed Hatrack Hilary.

    ''Pissing contest''? You can't really be serious. Game, Set, and Match, McEnroe. WINNER.
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