as far as I saw, hillary came across as over-rehearsed with...

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    as far as I saw, hillary came across as over-rehearsed with nothing more that boiler-plate duckspeak political spiel that represents nothing more than a continuation of the failed obama policies of more and more debt, more and more government regulation/redtape and more and more overseas warfare undertaken with the military's hands tied so they can win...

    Her continual personal attacks on Trump did nothing but show up the weakness of her position and the restraint Trump showed in the face of hillary's continual personal insults and goading was admiral...

    hillary has nowhere to go but down in the next debate and Trump will certainly be even better as more and more damaging information on hillary's email scandal, hillary's benghazi disaster hillary's clinton foundation "pay for play" scandal, etc. will inevitably be released...

    Hillary's health is likely to worsen rather than improve and even if they can manage a one-time 90 minute session without collapse, it is not sure that performance can be repeated...
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