will we see trump holding hands with the saudi king as george w...

  1. 523 Posts.
    will we see trump holding hands with the saudi king as george w bush did in his photo shoot,
    or will it be a snub as he did with our european allies,namely embarrasing Merkel,
    will he be very handy with his hand shakes and smiles as with lavrov...
    is germany the enemy?
    because they stand up to putin and demand sanctions against the murderous gangland boss,
    and his attack on ukraine,and his lies about the supplying of missiles to shoot
    international carriers out of the skies.
    trump loves putin and it would seem north koreas murderer.
    i guess trump admires deturte of the phillipines and his model drug strategies,
    trump as president can be impeached for TREASON,ALTHOUGH ACORDING TO HIM
    HE HAS THE ABSOLUTE RIGHT to supply classified intelligence to the russians.
    what a dog,what an idiot,america is the laughing stock of the world with his absurd
    what happened to the armada he was sending to imprees north korea...
    the chinese must be rolling the eyes in disbelief at what a paper tiger us has as a leader.
    putin sure thinks so with his
    smiley smurks as he stiffs the US once again.
    putin desperately wants sanctions removed,modified,
    why else did he hack the democrats,because he already knows he has trump in his pocket.
    how could trump compromise the white house by having only russian press at the oval office,
    and excluding us press.
    it would seem he has gotten rid of any recording of the white house or oval office.
    hides his tax statements,hides the recordings,hides his allegiance to america.
    israel suggests assassinating assad,
    how about putin as well,
    what happened to" without fear or favour" in choosing a zionist as us ambassador to israel.
    trump will destroy any standing the us has in the world,singlehandedly.
    isnt it amazing how USA has obama recieve the nobel peace prize
    and trump wants to destroy the legacy of the greatest president usa has had in living memory.
    what a disaster, what a creep,
    may the gods send mad those whom they destroy
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