pinto...... every day of obummas presidency the US was at...

  1. 8,044 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    pinto...... every day of obummas presidency the US was at war.......... couldnt have done anything ?

    you dont know much about the GFC....under his presidency, how come none of the big bankers went to jail

    the four legs of the GFC table are
    1. clnton telling lending agencies to lend to anyone, cause all americans deserve a home
    2.greenspan dropping interst rates to obscene levels
    3. greenspan then flooding the markets with money
    4... last but not least the governement SEC letting "capital adequacy ratios" explode out to 30 to 1, from 10 to 1

    and the goldmann sachs, jp morgans et al pounced and packaged

    and lets no forget JINGLE MAIL

    OBUMMA HIT BACK WITH A MOUNTAIN OF RED AND GREEN TAPE, A MOUNTAIN OF BORRWING and a mountain of climate chnage distraction, and so the sad story goes on..... oh yes, lets not forget the highest corporate tax rate in the world, and still he couldnt make ends meet
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