Trust in virus experts and epidemiologists isplaced.

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    I see the Lancet haseditorialised against Trump and is supporting the CDC. I note thatthe Lancet's support for the CDC is misplaced because the CDC is runby Dr Redfield who had previously made fraudulent claims concerningan AIDS vaccine (that wasn't). Dr Birx was also involved withRedfield. I note that the vaccine developers, researchers, andacademic huxters and assorted carny barkers of the press are enjoyingtheir time in the sun with Covid-19. How is the AIDS vaccine goingboys? Still working on it? But a Covid-19 vaccine is just around thecorner if the world showers these huxters and carny barkers with cashand prestige? The new rock stars.What very few peopleknow is the vaccine developers and their supporters (political,academic, medical establishment etc) put everyone on the planet atserious risk with their rush to develop the Salk and Sabin poliovaccine. At this point I will emphasise that I agree with the risksthat were taken and I am grateful that the polio vaccine wasavailable to me (and everyone) in the 1950s. Polio was a far worseenemy that Covid-19. The Salk vaccine wastested in the Soviet Union. Why? Because the experts and authoritiesin the West knew that the Salk vaccine was contaminated with fourunknown viruses (live viruses). Back in the 1990 I asked the chap whohad headed up Australia's role in the development of the Salk vaccinein the 1950s if he knew the vaccine was contaminated, and he laughedand said “Yes, we knew”. He then proceeded to tell me that whenthe Russian who had been in charge of the trials in the USSR visitedAustralia my informant asked him “We were amazed that you didn'tget any adverse reactions.” and the Russian replied “We didn'tget any because we didn't look for any.” My informant thought thatwas funny “Haw, Haw”. So, you are nowthinking, this is another anti-vaccer. To which I can truthfully so,not so. I generally agree with vaccination but what I disagree withis that experts (medical in this case, but experts in general)usually think they can operate in secret. They think they can makemomentous decisions about all our lives while keep us in the darkabout the true intentions of their social engineering. At this point you arehastily composing a stinging rebuff. But you are uninformed (most ofyou are d—k has). You can check what I have said about the early(up to the early Sabin oral vaccine in 1962) being contaminated withfour live monkey viruses. Nobody knows the identity of three of theseviruses (the geniuses have used up all of the retention samples) butin 1960 one virus was identified. It is Simian Virus 40 (SV40) whichwas later shown to be present in various human cancers and to causecancers in animals. Just considering the USA, eighty million peoplereceived this contaminated vaccine The US Institute of Health(whatever it is called) closely, and secretly, monitored these 80million, and probably still do (the New England Journal of Medicinehad a report on this in the early 1980s).OK. you are now jumpingup and down screaming “But there hasn't been an outbreak ofcancer!” …...... and you are wrong (d—k heads are alwayswrong).“Simian virus 40(SV40) is a DNA virus isolated in 1960 from contaminated poliovaccines, that induces mesotheliomas, lymphomas, brain and bonetumours, and sarcomas, including osteosarcomas, in hamsters. Thesesame tumour types have been found to contain SV40 DNA andproteins in humans. Mesotheliomas and brain tumours are thetwo tumour types that have been most consistently associated withSV40, and the range of positivity has varied about from 6 to 60%,although a few reported 100% of positivity and a few reported 0%. Itappears unlikely that SV40 infection alone is sufficient to causehuman malignancy, as we did not observe an epidemic of cancersfollowing the administration of SV40-contaminated vaccines. However,it seems possible that SV40 may act as a co-factor in thepathogenesis of some tumours In vitro and animal experiments showingco-carcinogenicity between SV40 and asbestos support this hypothesis.Simian virus 40 (SV40)was first isolated in 1960 from cultures of Rhesus monkey kidneycells used to produce polio virus vaccines [1] and was assigned tothe family of Polyomaviridae, Polyomavirus genus, closely related tohuman polyomaviruses (BK, JC, KI and WU), based on genomicorganization and sequence similarity [2].Simian virus 40 doesnot induce disease in its natural host, the Rhesus monkey, or inother monkey species. SV40 transmission among monkeys occurs viaurine, faeces and bites, and vertical transmission has beendocumented in monkeys and hamsters [3].”Got that? Asbestos,everyone knows that it causes mesothelioma, don't we? Well, maybe youand I have been snowed in the past. Mesothelioma was as rare asrocking horse manure before it emerged in the 1970s. But blue andwhite asbestos were widely used in many applications, even in the19th Century, so why didn't mesothelioma emerge in theearly 20th Century? The answer is because it requires bothasbestos exposure and SV40 (= Salk and early Sabin oral poliovaccine). Or, put another way, the vilification of asbestos as thesole cause of mesothelioma (and probably other cancers) has artfullyside stepped the role of contaminated polio vaccine. Could you stilltrust the vaccine experts? They must know but have chosen not tomention the role of SV40 while James Hardy was vilified. Which isdishonest. Ambulance chasinglawyers and media hacks should take notice. Here is a goodopportunity to get your name in lights. To my mind the James Hardycompany (what is it called these days?) could have a case against theCommonwealth and State Governments, and against CSL (themanufacturers of the vaccine). And individuals afflicted withmesothelioma must have a good case as well.Bottom line? Don'tassume that experts have your interests at heart. Don't assume thatexperts such as Fauci and Birx don't have agendas that valuethemselves over you.
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