LOL.Obviously I'm not a subscriber to the right wing bible that...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4

    Obviously I'm not a subscriber to the right wing bible that is the Australian so I can't read the article in full and make sure all the facts are being offered.. I have to rely on the cubby house members who unfortunately have a long history of posting lies and fake news .

    Anyway. Going on what has been posted.

    Old mate leaves out a few things. What you might call fairly important points.

    The whole point of renewable energy, apart from it being cheaper, more flexible, preventing wars, supplying power where fossil can't etc, is to reduce co2 emissions.

    That's the whole point. All the proper, real scientists of the world, and the fossil fuel companies agree that mmcc is real and we need to reduce co2 emissions.

    So, in theory even if we had to power the UK for a few days, or even a few weeks a year, they would be still massively reducing their emissions. Now, before getting all excited about building backup, they don't have to. It already exists. It's all been built and paid for and mostly depreciated. Except for the car crash that is Hinkley Point C of course. wink.png

    So, they don't have to build anything new. It already exists and for most of the run down, worn out stuff like we have in Australia, renewables probably lengthen it's life. A bit.

    The other very, very important point to note is that the renewable energy build out for the UK, or indeed for anywhere else, isn't finished yet. Not even close. It will be years before there has been enough renewable energy infrastructure has been built, including various forms of storage, before one could say it is a renewable energy grid.

    Right now on the windiest day in the UK, there is not enough wind generation to power the UK . It only powers part of it. There has simply not been enough built yet to power the whole country.

    So, while Rupert's little bitch conveniently only tells half the story, I guess we'll have to fill in the gaps.

    I note he goes completely rogue and starts lying through his teeth. Not a fact or any proof of his wack job, shock jock ideas anywhere.

    " You could double the number of turbines that Britain already has — and which in its collective national insanity and straight out stupidity, it supposedly actually intends to do — and you would get exactly the same result when the wind don’t blow: close to zero power. OK, maybe 1000MW (out of 40,000MW needed) instead of only 500MW.
    There is no way, even in energy insanity, that you can build enough batteries to make up the difference, and to make it up for at least 24 hours — far less, who knows, 48 hours, or indeed 72 hours or maybe a whole week? — and not just for an hour or two.

    To say nothing of the massive environmental damage, including pumping a lot of CO2 to build the damn things, you embark on when you dig up lithium and build those batteries.

    And just exactly where are they going to be disposed, when they stop recharging? Next to all the similarly clapped out wind turbine blades, which last only 15 or so years, no doubt. "

    All just absolute bs.

    To use an analogy : A company is building a new office. It's going to replace the old office they've had for 50 years. The new office is a much better design for the 2020s. The old office is poorly located, has many ergonomic and health issues, is very expensive to run and is generally just very inefficient. The old office is not worth modifying as that would be too expensive and it still has many design issues that can't be removed.

    They will continue to use the old office and because the new office is being built in stages, they will transfer from the old to the new progressively.

    So, while the new office is being constructed they will use parts of it but they will still need to use parts of the old office in the interim.

    They can't shift out of the old office completely simply because the new office hasn't been completed yet.

    Of course they could wait years and years to build the new office and have to continue on in the old office that is no longer fit for purpose but that would be a pretty stupid, inefficient and wasteful idea.

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