"....You would not get that in Australia , no way.!Not even if...

  1. 24,506 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    "....You would not get that in Australia , no way.!
    Not even if you had no lockdowns and nobody vaccinated.
    So we went through all this over the last 2 years for what exactly??

    So you use figures from periods with lockdowns, restrictions, and vaccines to calculate low cases and deaths to use and apply to a hypothetical period of "no lockdowns and nobody vaccinated" as an argument against everything that was implemented over the last couple of years, and you still don't see how idiotic your model is,

    Texas and Florida have populations around Australia's, and they had 60k to 70k deaths even with restrictions, which shows how ridiculous your modeling is.

    Instead of addressing what has been pointed out as BS with your modeling, you keep spruiking that you know how to add up 2+2, which is totally irrelevant to why your OP was BS.


    For those interested, I posted this early yesterday regarding modeling.
    Post #: 57037868
    How does COVID-19 vaccine modelling work and what can it really tell us?

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