Just been doing a bit of reading up on the Cairns Airport, seems...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    Just been doing a bit of reading up on the Cairns Airport, seems like there’s been continuous expansion since 2007.

    It’s not only places like Bangladesh and Pakistan where the Planner’s and Engineering over-estimate their abilities or the governmental framework that is in place to ensure that Best Practice Standards are followed, don’t know their job.

    It may not even be a Human Error thing but truely just an act of God/Weather event.

    I’m certainly not qualified in any of the fields relevant to build/ maintaining airports so I can only base my opinion on a very simplistic set of metrics.
    By that I mean “Common Sense and the Law of Averages”.

    What sort of government, local, regional, State or Federal approves the building of a new airport or more appropriately an almost endless stream of upgrades and improvements on existing facilities, without having a set of Codes that must be in place to ensure public safety.

    The offical report will (eventually) come up with a primary cause for those aircraft, Identifying as Submarines
    There’s only a few explanations possible and I’m going too put my dollar on the explanation being something like

    “Constuction company XY along with affiliates A B C D and Z have poorly designed or built a section or three at a substandard level (owing to an unfortunate misunderstanding of technical details and in no way Shonky) have been wrapped over the knuckles, copped a fine and promise to lift their game.
    This will be followed up by a seperate statement that will herald the argumentation of more intense research into government planning agencies to keep up to date with what is Worlds Best Practice.

    Sure it was a good sized flood but it wasn’t Biblical.

    The one absolute truth that I can see is that there’s going to be an upgrade of the drainage system or they might have to put in a few Docks.

    That airport is going to continue to be a bigger local Job driver in Cairns for decades to come.
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