XJO 0.56% 8,164.6 s&p/asx 200

Slampoil.Being a bit dense myself too Slampoil. I had to work...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 43

    Being a bit dense myself too Slampoil. I had to work that one out too:) The phases of the moon reflect the allignment and consequently the the amount of combined push/pull by the son and the moon.

    In any case, everythings to do with climate change isn't it?

    Xjo related. Is this a neat little abc correction over the last two days?

    Are you saying that when we have a quarter moon, or a new moon, or half moon that the other 3/4, 7/8 or 1/2 is not there as it not illuminated by the sun.

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