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Tungsten price rising, page-250

  1. 2,326 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 304
    Tungsten has hit European $248 mtu a 10% rise in 3 weeks even with high production costs WLF say they can break even at $260 mtu. With our low Aus dollar our goal was for Tungsten to hit the $250 mtu trigger point before our main tungsten focus will ramp up. This sudden rise in The Tungsten price should make it easier to find a hard rock partner/ investor. Once the $250 mtu has been reached the board will be very busy getting everything in place for the re opening of MT Carbine Tungsten activities. I have great confidence in Jim and the board that everything will be in place at the right time. We have had so many extra years to due proper due diligence, this time around we have a rising Tungsten price and good timing on our side.If this tungsten price continues to rise we should start to read a lot more reports from management on the main commodity that we all invested our hard earned money in,that being TUNGSTEN. CHEERS
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3.8¢ 4.2¢ 3.8¢ $120.4K 3.050M

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4 300745 4.0¢

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4.2¢ 552293 3
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