Hi Pintohoo, The U.S and E.U are a bunch of morons, When Turkey,...

  1. 1,525 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 16
    Hi Pintohoo,
    The U.S and E.U are a bunch of morons,
    When Turkey, a member of NATO, wanted to buy the Patriot Air Defence systems or whatever available from other NATO countries, well none of them would sell it to them, so Turkey went ahead and purchased the S 400's.
    Last I heard, they now want to sell Turkey the Patriots.
    Turkey is also a joint partner in the F35 fighter planes, guess what, the same group blocked Turkey from receiving the 100+ fighter planes which was part of a deal in the partnership agreement.
    Now they sook about Turkey who is a NATO ally is working with Russia regarding SU35's. They love to make it out like as though this just happened out of the blue and none of the above happened.
    It's so obvious that once the deal with Russia gets signed and sealed, they (U.S.) will tell Turkey that they can now receive the F 35's.
    Let's just say, other than Turkey, if another NATO ally was to purchase the SU35's, not one of those morons would complain.
    Greece is a perfect example, they are also a NATO ally whom have S 300's but no complaints there...
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