Turkish Airstrikes Halt War on ISIS, page-5

  1. 1,666 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    The Syrian government forces have more problems in stopping the southern ISIS air force (Israel) over the northern ISIS air force (Turkey) that continue to attack the Syrian people defending their land's against terrorists be it Arabs, Kurds, Yazidi or other minorities. I would note these strikes come at the same time and both restrict the Kurds and SAA from their offensive operations.

    The limp US response shows they are ok with continuing the issue of throwing the local Kurds under the bus to keep Turkey and its Kurdish puppet Barzani happy (he is not wanted in Syria and the SDF have openly opposed him). What a mess the US policy has become to further entrap themselves in engagement to the Russian response of pulling units they can easily put back. It wouldn't surprise me if this sees a serious split or realignment by the SDF who has had enough about doing the US dirty work in Raqqa while the Turks with no US threats keep back stabbing them.

    I expect the Russian will soon up the ant further in the coming days with their usual rope a dope routine ensnare the Turks and US further in their mess and come out in a stronger position to benefit the Syrian people. This can be seen each time you look back through the past few years since their intervention the Syrian people have become stronger and the terrorist weaker. It's a long race.
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