Delivering cash bonuses is no different to tax cuts. The...

  1. 1,134 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 111
    Delivering cash bonuses is no different to tax cuts. The difference is cash bonuses have a more immediate effect and have no lasting impact on the budget beyond that year.

    Its a more responsible course of action. The Libs are just fulfilling their role in the 'opposition' by opposing things they would of done anyway. Costello trumpeted the balanced budget over the business cycle and came out with a stimulus in 2001 when Australia faced recession and thereby sent the budget into deficit.

    Nothing wrong with the $10b pre-christmas package. It stopped us going into recession earlier.

    Politicians just do what Treasury says in these situations. Libs would of done the same. Turnbull is just playing politics. If he just agrees he gets no traction.

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