Turnbull is an embarassement, page-9

  1. 3,442 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    The scarey thing and it doesn't only apply to Malcolm,but all the main party synchophants that none of them are any good.
    If you think the elected pollies are cretins that got elected what does that say about the voters?????

    But vote for me at the next near election,2019 is too far away and I will be a variant on Trump,the detail will be to tell Vietnam 43!@*666 and good bye to your claim on the Sprately islands even though its academic now.

    Next free trade in Asia------LOL all bets off and come back with a substantial deal and then I will think about it.

    You have terrorist connections? indirectly or not you go to jail and don't collect $200,if you have dual citizenship and are done even for a minor demeanour you're gone,bon voyage.

    Politicians,if you are not born in Australia,but naturalised------- then get voted out and decide to pick up the old nationality,then your pension which I will make sure is not paid in a lump sum is seized and all your asset's in this country.

    Bank's will tow the line not like the privateers that run wall street.
    As soon as Germany Brexit and leaves the E.U. ALL German and British citizens with a supportable individual income will after 2 years, automatically get Australian citizenship and will also include Singaporeans too.

    More venture capital and funding into the CSIRO,and all students have to major in a mainline subject of at least 2 subjects each year in High School.

    I will do financially that Yellin has no balls to do and that is Helicopter fund young families to get their first home and any property racketeer thinks he will make a fast $,you just watch my monetary cops nail them

    Now we know unemployment is 3 times or more than what these labor and liberal self interest club members would tell--that's a given. We would like all our kid's be big time managers or scientists and it shown that the current bunch in Canberra have shown that common sense is devoid, SOO let's give a group of long term un employed the reigns to approach this problem, pensioners can do the costing for their decent income support program.

    The ADF have coal face service personal to work out where we fall down short if regional conflict should start and contain it.A special executive strike force to directly intervene where diplomacy fails no matter who they are.

    I will promise to reduce real unemployment within my first term, that's not negotiable

    Though I haven't touched on climate change I am pretty sure with the Australian scientists and the first Australians that know the land, we would have a definite outcome and it would finish the argument for once and all.

    Drug syndicate bosse's pushing ice or other synthetic drug , Executed !

    By now you should know what my platform is
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